Schizo Fanzine #6 update

The last PDF files for  Schizo Fanzine #6 was too compressed so ads, pics and some other shit was not possible to read. I have compressed them now with better resolution, so feel free to download Schizo #6, and choose between if you wanna read it on the screen, or if you wanna download the pdf so you can print your own copy and read it wherever and whenever you want.

And oh, the paper copys of Schizo #6 will soon be out.

Download Schizo Fanzine right here:

[Download PDF page 1-52]

[Download PDF page sorted to make your own copy]

If you see anyone with this t-shirt this spring/summer, will it just be me.

Schizo Fanzine # 1-6 [update]

I have update this shit because some of the links was dead. So here is all issues of Schizo Fanzine available to download both for reading and for printing your own copy. Schizo #6 will also be out as a paper version. I hope you will enjoy this, don't forget to leave a comment if you have any suggestions, tips, bad or good critics. If you wanna get in touch, write to: [email protected]

You can still check out all issues right on the screen (from Issuu) if you scroll down

Schizo Fanzine #1

Besthöven, Disagreed Fanzine, Burnt Cross, Pipes and pints and Harrington Saints
[Download PDF page 1-24]   [Download PDF for print]

Schizo Fanzine #2 (East europe theme)
Inepsy, Saturdays heros, Filthy Charity, Pints & Punx, Drunk Nach Osten, Campus Sterminii/Giuda, Black tartan clan
[Download PDF page 1-36]   [Download PDF for print]

Schizo Fanzine #3 (Fanzine theme)
Gonna get your, The Nightmare continues, Project Hopless, Sir Reg, Maniatikatz, Forfucksake, Ungov Resistance
[Download PDF page 1-40]   [Download PDF for print]

Schizo Fanzine #4 (Females and punk theme)
Deadly seven, Glidslem, Körsbärsfettera, The Baby Shakes
[Download PDF page 1-40]   [Download PDF for print]

Schizo Fanzine #5
AUK, Iszonyat, Dead Subverts, Under al kritik, Atomic Pollution,
Wages of fear, Radical Roots Fanzine, Screaming from the gutter
[Download PDF page 1-48]   [Download PDF for print]

Schizo Fanzine #6 (Punk Illegal 2010 theme)
Al-Thawra, Zudas Krust, Kansalaistottelemattomuus, Spotlicks, Jason Vomit, Power is poison, Cow Mag
[Download PDF page 1-52]   [Download PDF for print]

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